TRAINING (2.4.1)

The Commission aims at coordinating and representing the interest of the Swiss hydrology in the national and international committees and organisations.more

Image: thomasfuer, photocase.demore

SCNAT honours the four best dissertations in sciences

Prix Schläfli in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geosciences

Controlling the amount of phosphate in cells, the processes involved in catalysts, land use in Madagascar and a paradox of quantum physics – these are the topics for which the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) has awarded the Prix Schläfli 2019 to the four most important insights gained by young researchers at Swiss universities. Murielle Delley (Chemistry), Matteo Fadel (Physics), Rebekka Wild (Biology) and Julie Zähringer (Geosciences) receive the prize for the findings arrived at in their dissertations. For the first time, six of the candidates for the Prix Schläfli in Physics were also selected to participate in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Pokale Prix Schläfli
Image: SCNAT

Through her dissertation at ETH Zurich, Murielle Delley deepened her understanding of how certain catalysts, such as those used in polyethylene production, work. At the University of Basel, Matteo Fadel was able to experimentally prove a quantum mechanical paradox in a multi-particle system for the first time. Rebekka Wild at the University of Geneva clarified the structure and function of a unit in biological cells that contributes to regulating phosphate concentration. In her dissertation at the University of Bern, Julie Zähringer analysed how land use is changing on the margins of protected areas in Madagascar, using satellite images and around 1200 interviews.

At the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

The Prix Schläfli is awarded annually to the four best dissertations in the natural sciences. The prize has been awarded since 1866. Switzerland's candidates for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting are now also selected from among the candidates for the Schläfli Prize; in 2019, these were chosen from the Physics candidates. This annual event is attended by 30 to 40 Nobel Prize winners, who hold discussions with young researchers.

  • Matteo Fadel: Prix Schläfli 2019 Physik
  • Julie Zähringer (Prix Schläfli 2019) unterwegs ins Studiendorf Navana mit einer Piroge
  • Julie Zähringer (Prix Schläfli 2019) beim Erstellen einer "Social Map"  mit einigen Bewohnern des Studiendorfes Mahafidina
  • Rebekka Wild: Prix Schläfli Biologie 2019
  • Murielle Delley: Prix Schläfli Chemie 2019
  • Matteo Fadel: Prix Schläfli 2019 PhysikImage: Universität Basel1/5
  • Julie Zähringer (Prix Schläfli 2019) unterwegs ins Studiendorf Navana mit einer PirogeImage: Julie Zähringer2/5
  • Julie Zähringer (Prix Schläfli 2019) beim Erstellen einer "Social Map" mit einigen Bewohnern des Studiendorfes MahafidinaImage: Julie Zähringer3/5
  • Rebekka Wild: Prix Schläfli Biologie 2019Image: Rossitza Irobalieva4/5
  • Murielle Delley: Prix Schläfli Chemie 2019Image: Bernard Delley5/5

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Julie Zähringer (Prix Schläfli 2019) unterwegs ins Studiendorf Navana mit einer Piroge

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Image: Julie Zähringer


  • Geosciences