TRAINING (2.4.1)

Lo scopo della commissione è di coordinare e rappresentare gli interessi dell’idrologia in Svizzera nelle commissioni e organizzazioni rilevanti a livello nazionale e internazionale.di più

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Prix Schläfli 2020 for the best four PhDs in science

The orbits of dwarf galaxies, forces in materials such as Teflon, tracing history through pollen, a new protective layer at root tips – these are the topics for which the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) has awarded the Prix Schläfli 2020 to the four most important insights gained by young researchers at Swiss universities. Alice Berhin (Biology), Oliver Müller (Astronomy), Robert Pollice (Chemistry) and Fabian Rey (Geosciences) receive the prize for the findings arrived at in their dissertations. Four of the candidates for the Prix Schläfli award were also selected as Young Scientists at the internationally prestigious 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

Winners of the Prix Schläfli 2020

Alice Berhin discovered a completely new structure of plant roots in her dissertation at the University of Lausanne – a 21st century sensation. In his dissertation at the University of Basel, Oliver Müller showed that dwarf galaxies can also move around their parent galaxies in an orderly fashion, thus challenging the standard model of cosmology. In his dissertation at ETH Zurich, Robert Pollice analysed how materials such as perfluoroalkanes, including Teflon, hold together – a first step towards reducing environmental pollution and health risks. In his dissertation at the University of Bern, Fabian Rey described the land use and vegetation history of the Burgäschi and Moos lakes from the Bernese region of the Swiss Plateau more precisely than ever before. For this purpose, he analysed hundreds of thousands of pollen grains.

The Prix Schläfli is awarded annually to the four best dissertations in the natural sciences. This prize has been awarded since 1866. Since 2019, Switzerland's candidates for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting are now also nominated from among the candidates for the Schläfli Prize award. The annual event is attended by 30 to 40 Nobel Prize winners, who hold discussions with young researchers. The meeting planned for 2020 was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Alice Berhin, Prix Schläfli 2020
  • Oliver Müller, Prix Schläfli 2020
  • Robert Pollice, Prix Schläfli 2020
  • Fabian Rey, Prix Schläfli 2020
  • Alice Berhin, Prix Schläfli 2020Immagine: Alice Berhin1/4
  • Oliver Müller, Prix Schläfli 2020Immagine: Eva Schnider2/4
  • Robert Pollice, Prix Schläfli 20203/4
  • Fabian Rey, Prix Schläfli 2020Immagine: Thomas Stadler4/4

Temi associati

Fabian Rey, Prix Schläfli 2020

Award ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Geosciences 2020

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) has awarded the Prix Schläfli 2020 to the four most important insights gained by young researchers at Swiss universities. Fabian Rey has been awarded

Immagine: Thomas Stadler


  • Formazione dei giovani talenti