TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die Kommission hat zum Ziel, die Interessen der Hydrologie in der Schweiz in den relevanten nationalen und internationalen Gremien und Organisationen zu koordinieren und zu vertreten.mehr

Bild: thomasfuer, photocase.demehr

International Water Law (MOOC)

This course aims to provide the necessary background to understand and examine the regulation applicable to transboundary freshwaters especially to rivers, lakes and aquifers. It presents the principles and legal standards that govern the use, sharing, management and protection of these resources.

Staudamms Punt dal Gall (Stausee Livigno) im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Daraus entspringt der Spöl.

This MOOC is made up of 5 modules. As each module addresses a different theme, they can be viewed in any order. However, the modules do follow a certain pedagogical logic and following in order will be especially helpful to those who are new to the subject. Each module is accompanied by an evaluation questionnaire or quiz. A certificate will be awarded to students who obtain an average of at least 80% in the quizzes.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the issues related to the regulation of transboundary freshwaters;
  2. Explain how transboundary freshwater regulations have evolved;
  3. Recall and interpret the key principles governing water resource regulation;
  4. Understand the role of transboundary freshwater dispute settlement mechanisms in the development of international freshwater law (or to understand the role of international courts and tribunals in the resolution of conflicts)


Englisch, Französisch