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Bild: thomasfuer, photocase.demehr

Award ceremony for the Prix Schläfli Biology 2022




Auditorium G45
University of Zurich
Campus Irchel
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) awarded the Prix Schläfli 2022 to the four most important insights of young researchers at Swiss universities.

Prix Schläfli 2022: Anna-Katharina Pfitzner
Bild: Anna-Katharina Pfitzner

Anna-Katharina Pfitzner has been awarded by the Prix Schläfli Biology 2022 for her work at the University of Geneva. Small biological building blocks are her thing: biologist Anna-Katharina has researched a mechanism that is key to many processes in cell biology.

On Wednesday, 15th of February (15:00-15:25, Lecture Hall G60), Anna-Katharina gave the Prix Schläfli 2022 Winner Lecture: Membrane remodelling by dynamic ESCRT-III polymers.

The Award ceremony took place on Friday, 17th of Februar (from 16:40 in Auditorium G45)

Awarded article: Pfitzner, A.K., Mercier, V., Jiang, X., Moser von Filseck, J., Baum, B., Saric, A., Roux, A. (2020). An ESCRT-III polymerization sequence drives membrane deformation and fission. Cell. 182(5):1140-1155.e18.

  • Anna-Katharina, Laureate Prix Schläfli Biology 2022
  • Award ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 2022
  • Anna-Katharina, Laureate Prix Schläfli Biology 20221/2
  • Award ceremony Prix Schläfli Biology 20222/2


  • Nachwuchsförderung
Sprachen: Englisch