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Award Ceremony for the Prix Schläfli in Astronomy 2023


16:30 - 17:30

Luogo della manifestazione

Department of Astronomy
University of Geneva
Ch. Pegasi 51 (ex-Maillettes 51)
1290 Versoix

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) is awarding the Prix Schläfli 2023 to the four most important insights of young researchers at Swiss universities. Simone Bavera has been awarded by the Prix Schläfli "Astronomy" 2023 for his research on properties of merging black holes.

Simone Bavera de l'Université de Genève reçoit le Prix Schläfli en astronomie 2023
Immagine: SCNAT

Simone Bavera used the data from the observation of gravitational waves in 2015 for his dissertation. He studied binary black holes, i.e. those that appear in pairs and orbit each other. He then developed a model to make predictions about what properties binary black holes have and compared the results of the model with the existing observatroy data.

Awarded Article: "The origin of spin in binary black holes – Predicting the distributions of the main observables of Advanced LIGO". Simone S. Bavera, Tassos Fragos, Ying Qin, Emmanouil Zapartas, Coenraad J. Neijssel, Ilya Mandel, Aldo Batta, Sebastian M. Gaebel, Chase Kimball, Simon Stevenson.

The ceremony is held during the General Assembly of the Swiss Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

  • Simone Bavera de l'Université de Genève reçoit le Prix Schläfli en astronomie 2023
  • Le lauréat Simone Bavera avec la présidente du jury Margit Haberreiter
  • Simone Bavera avec son père-docteur Prof. Anastasios Fragkos (Uni Genf)
  • Simone Bavera de l'Université de Genève reçoit le Prix Schläfli en astronomie 2023Immagine: SCNAT1/3
  • Le lauréat Simone Bavera avec la présidente du jury Margit HaberreiterImmagine: SCNAT2/3
  • Simone Bavera avec son père-docteur Prof. Anastasios Fragkos (Uni Genf)Immagine: SCNAT3/3


  • Formazione dei giovani talenti