Temi associati

Philippe Schwaller – making chemistry with linguistic algorithms
How do you use artificial intelligence to simulate chemical processes? Philippe Schwaller has developed a program that has been named the best of its kind by an independent research group.
Immagine: Urs Wäfler
Claudia Aloisi – Harnessing the beauty of chemistry
Her work could pave the way for new forms of cancer screening: Claudia Aloisi researched a new method for quantifying and determining DNA damage at ETH Zurich. She got the Prix Schläfli award in chemistry for this.
Immagine: ETH Zürich / Nicola Pitaro
Robert Pollice - What holds the world together
He won medals at international chemistry olympiads even as a teenager. Now Robert Pollice adds to his collection the Prix Schläfli in Chemistry, for researching material properties that are, amongst other things, important in nanomedicine.